Think Sustainability, foster a mindset for Development, create progress & share knowledge
By supporting the establishment of the enabling conditions needed for African governments, private sector and the people to achieve sustainable prosperity, our process focuses on binding together 3 threads: Project / programme incubation and information dissemination, Convening high level impact oriented events, Empowering, especially the youth and women, towards sustainability. We can also achieve similar goals by helping and partnering with any institution that shares this common vision.
Our task is to make ourselves architects of the future in Africa
Our solution is to assert ourselves as an influential and prominent African think – tank that encourages governments,
civil society and the private sector to creatively associate practical and appropriate solutions to the challenges of their sustainable development, based on new technologies and the universal principle of social justice and equity.
Climate Finance
At ASCENT we have distinguished ourselves as Africa’s premier partner in climate developing projects and programmes, supporting governments to develop in-country capacity through learning by doing as well as playing the role of executing entity. Our portfolio is driven by country needs. Our emphasis on climate finance is informed by the need and priorities of the countries. ASCENT has strong links with National Designated Authorities, National Focal Points and Ministers of Environment in most African countries.
As a mean to increase access to climate finance by especially, Least Developed African states (LDCs) through efficient approvals of funding proposals, ASCENT focus is to strengthen the systematic process in streamlining resources for projects in Adaptation and Mitigation sectors.

IFAD Nda Partnership Workshops
The economic and human costs of climate impacts and environmental degradation are mounting and call for urgent adaptation and mitigation measures in smallholder farming in Africa.

ASPI Narrowing the knowledge gap in Africa
The future and success of social transformation and community engagement in Africa depends on the development of knowledge hubs.
Market for Renewable Energy for Electrification of Guinea Bissau: An Overview of Development
The private sector and foreign investment hold the golden key to the proliferation of renewables in Guinea Bissau. Currently, technology required to make “clean electricity” is actually imported.
The Key Outcomes of COP24 & Context for Africa
Going into Katowice, the site of the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the stakes were high for all signatory Parties of the Paris Accord, in December 2018.