Hybridization Of Diesel Engines With Solar Systems Togo
A project on the hybridization of diesel engines of multifunctional platforms with solar systems
ASCENT has developed a project on the Hybridization of diesel engines of multifunctional platforms with solar systems in Togo’s rural areas. This project is co-funded by the GEF, the West African Development Bank and the PRADEB with a focal area of Climate change mitigation.
The Project
The project aims to sustainably increase access to electricity and modern energy services through the development and use of solar energy technologies in the villages of Togo. More specifically the purpose is to support to transformational shifts towards a low-emission and resilient development path and enhance the capacity of countries to implement MEAs (multilateral environmental agreements) and mainstream into national and sub-national policy, planning financial and legal frameworks.
This will be specifically done by a) strengthening of regulatory, policy and institutional framework for Renewable Energy adoption and rural electrification b) Knowledge and capacity development supporting public and private sector to provide better quality of service to the rural areas c) Availability of, and access to financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects d) Deployment of hybrid solar energy Technologies and Applications e) Monitoring and evaluation; information dissemination and replication.
The project has recently been approved by the GEF and will soon be implemented with ASCENT fulfilling a role of executing agency and we truly believe in making this project the benchmark for off-grid hybrid systems in Africa.
Based on “learning by doing” method our continued focus is strengthening the country’s institutional and human capacity but also create value as an executing agency, to support hand in hand national stakeholders in adopting new ideas and innovative approaches through an interactive African process.
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