Capacity Building Initiative For Transparency
ASCENT has developed the CBIT for Togo. The objective of this project is to develop capacities of Togolese stakeholders to set up and run a national information system for climate transparency.
The desired output is to upgragde the existing institutional framework while establishing the GHG information management system. Futhermore, relevant sectors will be provided with appropriate equipment to perform their mission and national stakeholders in climate change will be trained to input data in the system.

Malawi Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency
ASCENT has developed the CBIT for Malawi. The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of Institutions in Malawi and set up an information system to fulfill the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement.
This project will strengthen the capacity of Institutions in Malawi (particularly the EAD) to and set up an information system to fulfill the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement. It seek to increase transparency and widen stakeholder participation while providing open data access and tools.
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