An Innovative Think Tank for Sustainable Solutions

The twenty-first century offers inspiring opportunities to create a sustainable world for present and future generations. ASCENT intends to harness the talent, creativity, skills, ingenuity and idealism Africa’s sons and daughters have to offer within a framework of African and Global interdependence. Paired with cutting edge technologies and first-rate communications facilities, it will generate electric results.

ASCENT’s is the leader in providing solutions to foster innovation and interdependence in Africa. We believe that the best way to address challenges and provide a healthy and sustainable future in Africa is through regional solutions that foster a just society in harmony with nature – sustainable, healthy, and with a strong rule of law.

Africa’s ASCENT

The twenty-first century may well be Africa’s Century. African hearts and minds are consumed with a vision of a sustainable, quality life for all, driven by an unflinching commitment to double all efforts in realizing Africa’s richly deserved future.

The singular aim of the Africa Sustainability Centre (ASCENT) is to serve governments and people of African countries in this enterprise by stimulating, nurturing and marshalling the necessary global and regional support.

The emerging shifts in the world economic and social order, a young and vibrant African population steeped in self-belief and ready to hold the reins as equals over the continent’s vast natural wealth, as well as governments that are increasingly investing in their people, democratic institutions and good governance foretell a future of great promise.

Reinforcing this endeavor is a continental value base that underscores inter-connectedness and mutual cooperation. Auspiciously, there is mounting evidence of a deep conviction across Africa that social justice, rule of law and sustainable use of natural  resources must be the foundation upon which this golden future will be built.

ASCENT is the leading African Think Tank – ‘In Africa, for Africa’ – on sustainability, rule of law and private- public partnership. It is focused on generating knowledge through dialogue and debate, creatively stimulating new ideas and approaches as well as policy, technological and behavioral adaptations to facilitate the advancement of Africa’s interdependence and sustainability.

It aims to accomplish this through effective engagement of Africa’s governments, private sector, civil society and key global stakeholders.

President John F. Kennedy standing at the birthplace of American freedom, fifty years ago, called for a Declaration of Interdependence to bind the United States, first, to a united Western Europe and eventually, to the entire free world. Similarly, the time is now for African Leaders to proclaim and lift Africa- resurgent, vibrant, free of restraints and full of hope- into the twenty-first century in a spirit of African Interdependence to ensure its rightful place in the new globalized world.

Interdependence comes easily to Africa. It is firmly rooted in Africa’s common history and has resonated through the ages as the most fundamental tenet of every dimension of African life and values. This is echoed in the ancient Adinkra symbol Boa me na me mmoa wo, meaning, “help me, help you”; in other words, binding cooperation, partnership and interdependence in an inescapable web of mutual well-being and happiness.

The twenty-first century offers never-before opportunities for creating a sustainable world for present and future generations. ASCENT intends to harness new and emerging technologies and communication facilities and the idealism, creativity, ingenuity, skills and talent of Africa’s sons and daughters within a framework of African and Global interdependence for all of Africa. African Interdependence will also ease the burden of overcoming regional challenges and harvesting opportunities for achieving the vision of a good life for the people of Africa.

Guided by these values, ASCENT serves governments and the people of Africa to swiftly and fully realize their due promise in economic and social advancement within a framework of inclusivity, equity, sustainability and rule of law.

A Common Dream For Tomorrow’s Leaders

African hearts and minds are consumed with a vision of a sustainable, quality life for all, driven by an unflinching commitment to double all efforts in realizing Africa’s richly deserved future.

Our Founder

Dr. Bakary Kante, the founder and chairman of the Africa Sustainability Centre is a leading African thinker-practitioner on sustainability, rule of law and environmental justice at global and national levels. From his early professional life as the Director General of the Ministry of Environment, in his native Senegal, he has been imbued with a deep passion for helping to lift Africa from its technology, sustainability, environmental justice deficit, shaped largely by the Continent’s colonial history.

Dr. Kante counts over 25 years of experience in diplomacy and high level political negotiations at international and national levels towards promoting international environmental governance, environmental justice and rule of law[…]

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